何旋 李斯克编著更新时间:2019-01-23 18:39:27
最新章节:Reading 58 Introduction to Alternative Investment封面
第1章 Ethics要点及案例总结
I (A) Knowledge of law
I (B) Independence and Objectivity
I (C) Misrepresentation
I (D) Misconduct
II (A) Material nonpublic information
II (B) Market manipulation
Ⅲ (A) Loyalty prudence and care
Ⅲ (B) Fair dealing
Ⅲ (C) Suitability
Ⅲ (D) Performance presentation
Ⅲ (E) Preservation of confidentiality
Ⅳ (A) Loyalty to Employers
Ⅳ (B) Additional compensation arrangements
Ⅳ (C) Responsibility of supervisors
V (A) Diligence and reasonable basis
V (B) Communication with clients
V (C) Record retention
Ⅵ (A) Disclosure of conflicts
Ⅵ (B) Priority of transaction
Ⅵ (C) Referral fees
Ⅶ (A) Conduct as members and candidates
Ⅶ (B) Reference to CFA institute designation
第2章 Quantitative Methods要点知识框架图
Reading 6 The Time Value of Money
Reading 7 Discounted Cash Flow Applications
Reading 8 Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
Reading 9 Probability Concepts
Reading 10 Common Probability Distributions
Reading 11 12 Sampling and Estimation Hypothesis Testing
Reading 13 Technical Analysis
第3章 Portfolio Management要点知识框架图
Reading 39 40 Portfolio Risk and Return
Reading 38 41 Portfolio Management & Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
Reading 42 Risk Management:An Introduction
Reading 43 Fintech in Investment Management
第4章 Economics要点知识框架图
Reading 14 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
Reading 15 The Firm and Market Structures
Reading 16 Aggregate Output Price and Economic Growth
Reading 17 Understand Business Cycles
Reading 18 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Reading 19 International Trade and Capital Flow
Reading 20 Currency Exchange Rate
第5章 Corporate Finance要点知识框架图
Reading 34 Capital Budgeting
Reading 35 Cost of Capital
Reading 36 Measures of Leverage
Reading 37 Working Capital Management
Reading 33 The Corporate Governance and ESG:An Introduction
第6章 Financial Reporting and Analysis要点知识框架图
Reading 21 Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction
Reading 22 Financial Reporting Standards
Reading 23 Understanding Income Statements
Reading 24 Understanding Balance Sheets
Reading 25 Understanding Cash Flow Statements
Reading 26 Financial Analysis Techniques
Reading 27 Inventories
Reading 28 Long-Lived Assets
Reading 29 Income Taxes
Reading 30 Long-Term Liabilities and Leases
Reading 31 Financial Reporting Quality
Reading 32 Financial Statement Analysis: Application
第7章 Equity Investments要点知识框架图
Reading 44 Market Organization and Structure
Reading 45 Security Market Indices
Reading 46 Market Efficiency
Reading 47 Overview of Equity Securities
Reading 48 Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis
Reading 49 Equity Valuation: Concept and Basic Tool
第8章 Fixed Income要点知识框架图
Reading 50 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Reading 51 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance Trading and Funding
Reading 52 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Reading 53 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
Reading 54 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
Reading 55 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
第9章 Derivatives要点知识框架图
Reading 56 Derivative Markets and Instruments
Reading 57 Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation
第10章 Alternative Investments要点知识框架图
Reading 58 Introduction to Alternative Investment
更新时间:2019-01-23 18:39:27