6.9 Documentation for Quality Acceptance

6.9.1 In the quality acceptance after completion of installation of turbine regulation and protection device and oil system,the following construction technical records shall be submitted:

1 Installation records for servo valves,solenoid valves,unloading valves,diaphragm valves,air pilot valves,HP governor module and test module of the electro-hydraulic control system.

2 Record of the nut position for fixing the spring tightening force of emergency governor,and record of clearance between trip lever and flying hammer or eccentric ring.

3 Records of electromagnetic axial displacement and axial and radial clearance between differential expansion protecting device transmitter and main shaft flange.

4 Record of clearance between oil spray nozzle and main shaft flange of hydraulic axial displacement protecting device.

5 Rotating damper clearance record,butterfly valve clearance record,radial drilling pump records,record of elastic governor dimensions,record of clearance between servo pilot valve and elastic governing block,record of locating length of adjust springs,connecting rods,record of orifice dimensions,and record of measured dimensions of overspeed pilot valve and oil window in the hydraulic control mechanism.

6 Record of clearance between steam valve stem and valve stem sleeve.

7 Record of steam valve stem idle travel,pre-inlet valve travel and valve disc travel.

8 Steam valve locating and alignment record.

9 fire-resistant oil device locating record.

10 Inspection and installation record of oil pumps.

11 Oil coolers leakage test record.

12 Oil coolers installation record.

13 Oil tanks installation record.

6.9.2 In the quality acceptance after completion of installation of turbine regulation and protection device and oil system,the following concealment signatures shall be submitted:

1 Enclosing signature of oil tanks.

2 Signature for inspection of fire-resistant oil system before flushing.

3 Signature for fire-resistant oil system after flushing.

4 Oil cooler leakage test signature.

5 Signature for inspection of lubricating oil and sealing oil system before flushing.

6 Signature for lubricating oil and sealing oil after flushing.

6.9.3 In the quality acceptance after completion of installation of turbine regulation and protection device and oil system,the following inspection and test reports shall be submitted:

1 Steam valve alloy steel parts spectrum analysis report and steam chamber bolt hardness report.

2 Oil quality analysis report after flushing of fire-resistant oil system.

3 Oil quality analysis report after flushing of lubricating oil and sealing oil systems.