- DL5190.3-2012电力建设施工技术规范第3部分:汽轮发电机组(英文版)
- 中国电力企业联合会
- 491字
- 2025-02-21 08:00:53
3.2 Civil Works
3.2.1 Before the installation of turbo-generator units,the Supervisor shall organize the civil works and erection personnel to make joint inspection of drawings,to clearly define the construction interfaces and responsibilities on quality.
3.2.2 During the civil work construction period,erection personnel shall do the following:
1 In preparation for construction,important geometric dimensions such as elevation,centerline and anchor bolt hole positions of the reserved openings,embedded parts and turbo-generator unit base and main auxiliary equipment foundation related to erection shall be carefully checked,and agreement of civil work and erection requirements shall be confirmed.
2 Before concrete pouring,erection contractor and erection supervisor shall participate in the intermediate acceptance of base before pouring.
3 The foundation and anchoring points for lifting facilities for heavy equipment and the consolidating plan of building structure for overload lifting shall be determined with the design,supervision and civil work construction organizations before the start of civil works.
4 For embedding anchor bolts,anchor plates and valve base structural pieces in main machine foundation,the erection entity shall make metal frames for locating,the geometric dimension deviations and accumulated deviation of the frame shall be within the permissible range,and it shall be ensured that no deflection will occur during concrete placing.
3.2.3 The turbo-generator unit equipment foundation handed over for erection shall have the following technical documents:
1 Acceptance records for equipment foundation and structures.
2 Concrete strength test records.
3 Reference lines and points on buildings and foundations.
4 Settlement observation records.
5 Pre-compaction and installation records of elastic foundation vibration isolators.
3.2.4 Civil works handed over for erection shall meet the following conditions:
1 The installation of bridge crane rails is completed;concrete of secondary grouting has reached the design strength and been qualified in acceptance.
2 Foundation and pedestal casting for main and auxiliary equipment has completed,formworks have been removed,and concrete has reached 70%of design strength or over and been qualified in acceptance.
3 Construction of trenches in buildings has completed,and construction of primary ground and roads access to building has completed.
4 Building has been enclosed and water stop on roofing is completed.
5 Formworks,scaffolding,surplus materials,sundries and wastes from civil works have been removed.
6 The marks of centerlines and elevations of all foundations and operation levels in the building are clear and complete.
7 Platforms,passages,stairs,railing,skirting boards and handrails at all floors are installed in place and firmly welded,openings by main machine are provided with reliable temporary covers or railing.
8 Pipe trenches,pump pits,drain ditches and water collecting wells in buildings are clean and can drain water smoothly.
9 Fire fighting facilities are reliable.
10 All decoration works that may affect equipment erection has been completed.