
This Code is developed by Sinopec Engineering Incorporation in cooperation with relevant organizations based on the Notice on the Plan of Development and Revision National Engineering Construction Standards(2nd Batch)(Document No.Jian Biao〔2006〕No.136 issued by the former Ministry of Construction(MOC)of the People's Republic of China in 2006.

In preparing this Code,the development team made extensive investigations and studies,summarized the engineering practice experience,referred to the international up-to-date codes and standards,reviewed and finalized this Code based on comments from involved organizations.

This Code comprises 8 chapters,namely the General provisions,Terms and Abbreviations,System design,Process control system,Manufacturing execution system,Enterprise operation management system,Accessorial information management system and Infrastructure of information system.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of administration of this Code.China Petrochemical Corporation is responsible for its routine management,and Sinopec Engineering Incorporation is tasked for explanation of specific technical contents.During the implementation of this Code,any relevant comments and recommendations,whenever necessary,can be sent or passed on to Sinopec Engineering Incorporation(Address:Bldg.21 Anyuan,Anhuibeili,Chaoyang District,Beijing,Postcode:100101, reference in future revision.

Chief development organization,participating development organizations,chief drafting staff and chief reviewing staff of this Code:

Chief Development Organization:

Sinopec Engineering Incorporation

Participation Development Organizations:

Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Company

Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.,Ltd

Sinopec Ningbo Engineering Co.,Ltd.

Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Co.,Ltd

Petro-Cyber Works Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

Chief Drafting Staff:

Gao Xuewu Zhu Chuntian Song Yu Kang Xiaolong Zhang Jingsheng

Lin Rong Li Yongfang Zhang Wei Fan Botao Chen Yingbiao

Yang Yinxing Chen Dongdong Lv Yi Yang Pingxing Zhang Rui

Chen Mingjie

Chief Reviewing Staff:

Zhang Zhilin Zhou Jiaxiang Ge Chunyu Sun Lihua He Lijian

Jin Yanling Zhao Yong Zhou Yandong Tang Xuejun Zhang Yumei

Gao Ningbo Liu Xuegang Wang Wenbo