Using the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard on Linux or UNIX

We can invoke the Software Configuration Wizard on Linux or UNIX-based operating systems from the command shell only. For example, the following command will launch the Siebel Enterprise Configuration wizard in the default GUI mode.

ssincfgw -args LANG=ENU MODE=LIVE MODEL_FILE=/u01/app/siebel/gtwysrvr/admin/enterprise_console_sia.scm

If we do not have a graphical user interface, we can invoke the wizard in console mode using the –is:javaconsole -console argument like in the following command.

ssincfgw -args LANG=ENU MODE=LIVE MODEL_FILE=/u01/app/siebel/gtwysrvr/admin/enterprise_console_sia.scm –is:javaconsole –console

The ssincfgw executable is located in the BIN subdirectory of the software installation folder (for example in /u01/app/siebel/gtwysrvr/bin). The –args switch is followed by argument names and values.

The LANG argument takes a valid three-letter language code and controls the language used for the configuration wizard's dialogs (ENU for example is for English – United States).

The MODE argument takes one of the following values:

  • LIVE

In LIVE mode, the configuration wizard will directly execute the necessary commands at the end of the configuration process. In RECORD mode, the wizard generates an XML file containing the parameter values entered during the process. The XML file can later be used to automate the configuration. This unattended mode is invoked by using the EXECUTE value.

The MODEL_FILE parameter must point to a text file with suffix .scm. These files reside in the admin directories of the software installation folders and are provided by Oracle. The .scm files contain the necessary information to render the configuration wizards dialogs and entry forms.

The following table lists the model files for each configuration target:

Configuration target

Model file example location

Siebel Gateway Name Server

Siebel Enterprise

Siebel Web Server Extension Logical Profile


Note: This is the model file for Siebel Industry Applications (SIA). For horizontal Siebel enterprise applications, we use the enterprise_console.scm file.

Siebel Database


Siebel Server

/u01/app/siebel/siebsrvr/admin/siebel_server_sia.scm or


Siebel Web Server Extension

/u01/app/siebel/sweapp/admin/swse_server_sia.scm or
