- 实用汉日英中医药词典
- 李国栋 李永安 范海翔主编
- 7408字
- 2025-03-14 16:21:35
八法 八法(はっぽう) eight methods,eight therapeutic methods
八纲 八綱(はちこう) eight principles,eight diagnostic principles
八纲辨证 八綱弁証(はちこうべんしょう) eight-principle syndrome differentiation,eight-principle pattern identification
八会穴 八会穴(はちえけつ) eight meeting points
八脉交会穴 八脈交会穴(はちみゃくこうえけつ) confluence points of eight extraordinary meridians/channels,confluence points of the eight vessels
八仙长寿丸 八仙長寿丸(はっせんちょうじゅがん) Eight-Immortal Longevity Bolus
八珍汤 八珍湯(はっちんとう) Decoction of Eight Precious Ingredients
八正散 八正散(はちしょうさん) Heat-Dispersing and Diuresis-Promoting Powder,Ba Zheng Powder
拔毒 抜毒(ばっどく) drawing out toxin,extracting toxin
拔罐法 抜罐法(ばっかんほう) cupping method
拔伸复位 抜伸復位(ばっしんふくい) reduction by traction and countertraction
拔伸牵引 抜伸牽引(ばっしんけんいん) traction by pulling and extension,pulling-extension traction
白缠喉 纏喉風(てんこうふう) diphtheria
白虎加苍术汤 白虎加蒼朮湯(びゃっこかそうじゅつとう) White Tiger Decoction with Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
白虎加桂枝汤 白虎加桂枝湯(びゃっこかけいしとう) White Tiger Decoction with Ramulus Cinnamomi
白虎加人参汤 白虎加人参湯(びゃっこかにんじんとう) White Tiger Decoction with Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng
白虎汤 白虎湯(びゃっことう) White Tiger Decoction,Bai Hu Decoction
白虎摇头法 白虎揺頭法(びゃっこようとうほう) white-tiger-shaking-head method
白睛 白睛(はくせい) white of the eye
白睛红赤 白睛紅赤(はくせいこうせき) hyperemia of ocular conjunctiva
白睛混赤 白睛混赤(はくせいこんせき) turbid hyperemia of ocular conjunctiva
白睛青蓝 白睛青藍(はくせいせいらん) blue white of the eye,late-stage scleritis,bluish discoloration of sclera
白睛外膜 強膜(きょうまく) sclera
白睛溢血 白睛溢血(はくせいいっけつ) subconjunctival hemorrhage
白膜 白膜(はくまく) white membrane
白膜蔽睛 白膜蔽睛(はくまくへいせい) white membrane invading the eye
白膜侵睛 白膜侵睛(はくまくしんせい) white membrane invading the eye,invasion of white membrane into the cornea
白内障针拨术 白内障の鍼治療(はくないしょうのしんちりょう) cataractopiesis with the metal needle,the metal needle cataractopiesis
白眼 白目(しろめ) white of the eye;ocular dryness
白珠俱青 後期強膜炎(こうききょうまくえん) blue white of the eye,late-stage scleritis
白珠外膜 強膜(きょうまく) sclera
白痦 白い汗疹(しろいあせも) miliaria alba
百病生于气 百病は皆気より生ず(ひゃくびょうはみなきよりしょうず) all diseases resulting from qi disorders,all diseases originating from qi disorders
百骸 百骸(ひゃくがい) skeleton
百合固金汤 百合固金湯(びゃくごうこきんとう) Bulbus Lilii Decoction for Strengthening the Lung,Bulbus Lilii Lung-Strengthening Decoction
百节 百節(ひゃくせつ) all joints of the body
百脉一宗 百脈一宗(ひゃくみゃくいっしゅう) all vessels originating from the same origin,all vessels originating from one origin
百日咳 百日咳(ひゃくにちぜき) pertussis,whooping cough
柏子养心汤 柏子養心湯(はくしようしんとう) Heart-Nourishing Decoction with Semen Platycladi,Semen Platycladi Heart-Nourishing Decoction
败毒散 敗毒散(はいどくさん) Antiphlogistic Powder,Toxin-Removing Powder
败血冲肺 敗血衝肺(はいけつしょうはい) lochiostasis surging the lung,lochiostasis invading the lung
败血冲胃 敗血衝胃(はいけつしょうい) lochiostasis surging the stomach,lochiostasis invading the stomach
败血冲心 敗血衝心(はいけつしょうしん) lochiostasis surging the heart,lochiostasis invading the heart,lochiostasis attacking the heart
扳法 扳法(はんぽう) pulling manipulation
斑疹 斑疹(はんしん) macula and papule,macula
瘢痕灸 瘢痕灸(はんこんきゅう) scarring moxibustion
半表半里证 半表半裏証(はんぴょうはんりしょう) semi-exterior semi-interior syndrome/pattern,semi-exterior and semi-interior syndrome/pattern
半刺 半刺(はんし) half needling,hemiacupuncture
半身多汗 半身多汗(はんしんたかん) profuse hemihidrosis,hyperhemihidrosis
半身汗出 半身汗っかき(はんしんあせっかき) hemilateral sweating,hemihidrosis,half-body sweating
半身无汗 半身無汗(はんしんむかん) hemilateral anhidrosis,half-body absence of sweating
半身麻木 半身麻木(はんしんまもく) hemianesthesia
半夏白术天麻汤 半夏白朮天麻湯(はんげびゃくじゅつてんまとう)Decoction of Rhizoma Pinelliae,Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Rhizoma Gastrodiae
半夏厚朴汤 半夏厚朴湯(はんげこうぼくとう) Decoction of Rhizoma Pinelliae and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis
半夏泻心汤 半夏瀉心湯(はんげしゃしんとう) Rhizoma Pinelliae Decoction for Purging Stomach Fire
绊舌 舌小帯短縮症(ぜつしょうたいたんしゅくしょう) ankyloglossia
瓣晕苔 舌苔(ぜったい) petalled coating
傍针刺 傍針刺(ぼうしんし) straight and side needling,proximate needling
包煎 包煎(ほうせん) wrap-boiling,decocting with medicinals wrapped
胞 胞(ほう) uterus;placenta;urinary bladder;eyelid
胞痹 胞痺(ほうひ) bladder impediment
胞宫 胞宮(ほうきゅう) uterus with appendages,uterus
胞宫积热证 胞宮積熱証(ほうきゅうせきねつしょう) syndrome/pattern of accumulated heat in the uterus,syndrome/pattern of heat accumulation in the uterus
胞宫湿热证 胞宮湿熱証(ほうきゅうしつねつしょう) uterine dampnessheat syndrome/pattern,dampness-heat syndrome/pattern of the uterus
胞宫虚寒证 胞宮虚寒証(ほうきゅうきょかんしょう) syndrome/pattern of deficiency-cold of the uterus,uterine deficiency-cold syndrome/pattern,deficiency-cold syndrome/pattern of the uterus
胞睑 胞瞼(ほうけん) eyelid
胞漏 胞漏(ほうろう) vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
胞轮震跳 胞輪震跳(ほうりんしんちょう) twitching eyelid,blepharospasm
胞门 胞門(ほうもん) cervical orifice;vaginal orifice
胞生痰核 胞生痰核(ほうせいたんかく) phlegm node in the eyelid,phlegm node of the eyelid,chalazion
胞虚如球 胞虚如球(ほうきょじょきゅう) ball-like swelling of the eyelid,non-inflammatory edema of the eyelid
胞衣 胞衣(ほうい) placenta
胞衣不下 胞衣不下(ほういふげ) retention of placenta
胞衣先破 前期破水(ぜんきはすい) premature rupture of fetal membrane
胞肿 胞腫(ほうしゅ) swelling of the eyelid
胞肿如桃 胞腫、桃の如し(ほうしゅ、もものごとし) peach-like eyelid swelling,inflammatory edema of the eyelid,inflammatory swelling of the eyelid
胞阻 胞阻(ほうそ) abdominal pain during pregnancy,uterine obstruction
保和丸 保和丸(ほうわがん) Bao He Digestion-Promoting Pill
保婴撮要 保嬰撮要(ほえいさつよう) Essentials for Infantile Care
报刺 報刺(ほうし) successive trigger needling
抱轮红赤 抱輪紅赤(ほうりんこうせき) ciliary hyperemia
抱头火丹 抱頭火丹(ほうとうかたん) head erysipelas
豹文刺 豹文刺(ひょうもんし) leopard-spot needling
暴崩下血 暴崩下血(ぼうほうげけつ) sudden onset of metrorrhagia
暴赤生翳 露出性角膜炎(ろしゅつせいかくまくえん) fulminant red eye with nebula,epidemic keratoconjunctivitis,acute conjunctivitis with nebula
暴赤眼后急生翳外障 露出性角膜炎(ろしゅつせいかくまくえん) fulminant red eye with acute nebula,epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
暴喘 急性呼吸困难(きゅうせいこきゅうこんなん) sudden dyspnea
暴发火眼 暴発火眼(ぼうはつかがん) epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
暴风客热 暴風客熱(ぼうふうきゃくねつ) fulminant wind and invading fever,sudden attack of wind-heat on the eye
暴厥 暴厥(ぼうけつ) sudden syncope
暴聋 暴聾(ぼうろう) sudden deafness
暴盲 暴盲(ぼうもう) sudden blindness
暴仆 暴仆(ぼうふ) sudden syncope
暴热 暴熱(ぼうねつ) sudden attack of high fever
暴脱 暴脱(ぼうだつ) sudden collapse
暴痫 暴癇(ぼうかん) epilepsy with sudden onset
暴泻 暴瀉(ぼうしゃ) fulminant diarrhea
暴注 暴注(ぼうちゅう) acute diarrhea
悲 悲(ひ) sorrow
悲则气消 悲則気消(ひそくきしょう) sorrow causing qi consumption
贝母瓜蒌散 貝母栝楼散(ばいもかろさん) Powder of Bulbus Fritillariae and Fructus Trichosanthis
备急千金要方 備急千金要方(びきゅうせんきんようほう) Essentially Treasured Prescriptions for Emergencies
背法 背法(はいほう) back-carrying manipulation,back-packing manipulation
背偻 背傴僂(せいうる) kyphosis,hunchback
背痈 背癰(はいよう) back carbuncle
奔豚气 奔豚気(ほんとんき) running-swine sensation
贲门 噴門(ふんもん) cardia
本草 本草(ほんぞう) materia medica
本草备要 本草備要(ほんぞうびよう) Essentials of Herbology/Materia Medica
本草从新 本草従新(ほんぞうじゅうしん) New Compilation of Herbology/Materia Medica
本草纲目 本草綱目(ほんぞうこうもく) Compendium of Herbology/Materia Medica
本草纲目拾遗 本草綱目拾遺(ほんぞうこうもくしゅうい) Supplement to the Compendium of Herbology/Materia Medica
本草经集注 本草経集注(ほんぞうきょうしっちゅう) Variorum of Classic of Herbology/Materia Medica
本草衍义 本草衍義(ほんぞうえんぎ) Amplified Herbology/Materia Medica
本草学 本草学(ほんぞうがく) materia medica,herbology
本寒标热 本寒標熱(ほんかんひょうねつ) cold as the primary and heat as the secondary
本经配穴法 循経配穴法(じゅんけいはいけつほう) point combination on the same meridian/channel,point combination of the same meridian
本经自病 正経自病(せいけいじびょう) direct invasion of meridian/channel
本热标寒 本熱標寒(ほんねつひょうかん) heat as the primary and cold as the secondary
本实标虚 本実標虚(ほんじつひょうきょ) excess as the primary and deficiency as the secondary
本虚标实 本虚標実(ほんきょひょうじつ) deficiency as the primary and excess as the secondary
崩漏 崩漏(ほうろう) metrorrhagia and metrostaxis,flooding and spotting
崩中 崩中(ほうちゅう) metrorrhagia,flooding
崩中漏下 崩中漏下(ほうちゅうろうか) metrorrhagia and metrostaxis
鼻疮 鼻瘡(びそう) nasal vestibulitis,nasal sore
鼻疔 鼻疔(びちょう) nasal furuncle,nasal boil
鼻风 鼻風(びふう) severe stuffy nose in infants,severe infantile stuffy nose
鼻疳 鼻疳(びかん) nasal vestibulitis,nasal sore
鼻疳疮 鼻疳瘡(びかんそう) nasal vestibulitis
鼻槁 鼻槁(びこう) atrophic rhinitis
鼻鼾 鼾(いびき) snoring
鼻洪 鼻洪(びこう) profuse nasal bleeding
鼻漏 鼻漏(びろう) nasal fistula
鼻苗 鼻苗(びびょう) nose vaccination
鼻衄 鼻衄(はなじく) epistaxis,nosebleed,rhinorrhagia
鼻鼽 鼻鼽(びきゅう) allergic rhinitis
鼻塞 鼻塞(びそく) nasal congestion,nasal obstruction
鼻塞灼热 鼻塞灼熱(びそくしゃくねつ) obstruction and burning sensation of nose
鼻痠 鼻痠(びさん) irritating sensation of nose
鼻隧 鼻隧(びずい) nasal passage
鼻息肉 鼻茸(はなたけ) nasal polyp
鼻翼 鼻翼(びよく) wing of nose
鼻翼扇动 鼻翼呼吸(びよくこきゅう) flaring of nares
鼻渊 鼻渊(びえん) sinusitis
鼻针 鼻針(びしん) nose acupuncture,rhino-acupuncture
鼻针疗法 鼻針療法(びしんりょうほう) nose acupuncture therapy
鼻针麻醉 鼻針麻酔(びしんますい) nose acupuncture anesthesia
鼻痔 鼻痔(びじ) nasal polyp
鼻窒 鼻窒(びちつ) stuffy nose,nasal obstruction,nasal congestion
闭藏 閉蔵(へいぞう) hiding and storing
闭合性损伤 非開放性損傷(ひかいほうせいそんしょう) closed injury
闭经 閉経(へいけい) amenorrhea
闭癃 癃閉(りゅうへい) dysuria
萆薢分清饮 萆薢分清飲(ひかいぶんせいいん) Decoction of Rhizoma Dioscoreae Septemlobae for Clearing Turbid Urine
蓖麻子灸 蓖麻子灸(ひましきゅう) castor seed moxibustion
痹 痺(ひ) bi-syndrome;arthralgia;obstruction
痹病 痺病(ひびょう) impediment disease;arthralgia
痹气 痺気(ひき) qi stagnation
睥翻粘睑 睥翻粘瞼(へいはんねんけん) ectropion
睥肉粘轮 睥肉粘輪(へいにくねんりん) symblepharon
睥生痰核 睥生痰核(へいせいたんかく) chalazion
睥虚如球 睥虚如球(へいきょじょきゅう) swelling of the eyelid
碧玉散 碧玉散(へきぎょくさん) Jasper Jade Powder
蔽心骨 剣状突起(けんじょうとっき) xiphoid
蔽心骨伤 剣状突起の損傷(けんじょうとっきのそんしょう) injury of xiphoid
避年 年次月経(ねんじげっけい) annual menstruation
髀 髀(ひ) thigh;upper half of thigh
髀骨 髀骨(ひこつ) femur
髀关 髀関(ひかん) anterior upper portion of thigh
臂丛神经损伤 腕神経叢損傷(わんしんけいそうそんしょう) brachial plexus nerve injury
臂骨伤 臂骨傷(ひこつしょう) fracture of ulna and radius
臂内廉 臂内廉(ひないれん) medial margin of upper limb
臂痈 臂癰(ひよう) pyogenic infection of the arm
边头风 片頭痛(へんずつう) migraine,hemicrania
砭刺 砭刺(へんし) stone needling,stone needle therapy
砭镰法 砭鎌法(へんれんほう) stone needle therapy
砭石 石針(いしはり) healing stone,stone needle
扁瘊 扁平疣贅(へんぺいゆうぜい) flat wart,verruca plana
变瘫 痙攣後の麻痺(けいれんごのまひ) paralysis following convulsion
变痫 痙攣後の癲癇(けいれんごのてんかん) epilepsy following convulsion
变喑 痙攣後の失声(けいれんごのしっせい) aphonia following convulsion
变证 変証(へんしょう) deteriorated syndrome/pattern
便秘 便秘(べんぴ) constipation,dry stool
便脓血 便膿血(べんのうけつ) purulent bloody stool,stool with pus and blood
便溏 軟便(なんべん) loose stool,sloppy stool
便血 血便(けつべん) bloody stool,hematochezia
辨络脉 辨絡脈(べんらくみゃく) observation on superficial venule
辨证论治 弁証論治(べんしょうろんち) syndrome differentiation/pattern identification and treatment,syndrome/pattern differentiation for treatment,treatment with syndrome differentiation
辨证求因 弁証求因(べんしょうきゅういん) syndrome differentiation/pattern identification to determine disease causes,syndrome differentiation/pattern identification for determination of disease causes
辨证取穴 弁証取穴(べんしょうしゅけつ) point selection based on syndrome differentiation/pattern identification
标 標(ひょう) the incidental,the secondary
标本 標本(ひょうほん) the secondary and the primary,the incidental and the fundamental
标本同治 標本同治(ひょうほんどうち) treating the primary and secondary aspects of disease at the same time
瘭疽 瘭疽(ひょうそ) panaris,whitlow,felon
表寒 表寒(ひょうかん) exterior cold
表寒里热 表寒裏熱(ひょうかんりねつ) exterior cold and interior heat,exterior cold with interior heat
表寒里热证 表寒裏熱証(ひょうかんりねつしょう) syndrome/pattern of exterior cold and interior heat,syndrome/pattern of exterior cold with interior heat
表寒证 表寒証(ひょうかんしょう) exterior cold syndrome/pattern
表里辨证 表裏弁証(ひょうりべんしょう) exterior-interior syndrome differentiation/pattern identification
表里配穴法 表裏配穴法(ひょうりはいけつほう) exterior-interior point combination/selection
表里俱寒 表裏倶寒(ひょうりぐかん) dual exterior and interior cold,cold in both exterior and interior
表里俱寒证 表裏倶寒証(ひょうりぐかんしょう) syndrome/pattern of both exterior and interior cold
表里俱热 表裏倶熱(ひょうりぐねつ) dual exterior and interior heat,heat in both exterior and interior
表里俱热证 表裏倶熱証(ひょうりぐねつしょう) syndrome/pattern of both exterior and interior heat
表里俱实 表裏倶実(ひょうりぐじつ) excess in both the exterior and interior,dual excess of the exterior and interior
表里俱实证 表裏倶実証(ひょうりぐじつしょう) syndrome/pattern of both exterior and interior excess
表里俱虚 表裏倶虚(ひょうりぐきょ) deficiency of both exterior and interior,dual deficiency of the exterior and interior
表里俱虚证 表裏倶虚証(ひょうりぐきょしょう) syndrome/pattern of both exterior and interior deficiency
表里配穴法 表裏配穴法(ひょうりはいけつほう) exterior-interior acupoint pairing
表里双解 表裏双解(ひょうりそうかい) relieving both interior and exterior syndromes/patterns
表里双解剂 表裏双解剤(ひょうりそうかいざい) exterior-interior dually releasing formula,exterior-interior releasing formula
表里同病 表裏同病(ひょうりどうびょう) disease involving both exterior and interior,dual disease of the exterior and interior
表气不固 衛気不固(えいきふこ) insecurity of exterior qi,unconsolidation of exterior qi
表热 表熱(ひょうねつ) exterior heat
表热里寒 表熱裏寒(ひょうねつりかん) exterior heat and interior cold,exterior heat with interior cold
表热里寒证 表熱裏寒証(ひょうねつりかんしょう) syndrome/pattern of exterior heat and interior cold,syndrome/pattern of exterior heat with interior cold
表热证 表熱証(ひょうねつしょう) exterior heat syndrome/pattern
表实 表実(ひょうじつ) exterior excess,exterior sthenia
表实里虚 表実裏虚(ひょうじつりきょ) exterior excess and interior deficiency,exterior sthenia with interior asthenia
表实里虚证 表実裏虚証(ひょうじつりきょしょう) syndrome/pattern of exterior excess and interior deficiency,syndrome/pattern of exterior sthenia with interior asthenia
表实证 表実証(ひょうじつしょう) exterior excess syndrome/pattern,exterior sthenia syndrome/pattern
表邪 表邪(ひょうじゃ) exterior pathogen,exogenous pathogenic factor
表邪内陷 表邪内陥(ひょうじゃくないかん) inward invasion of exterior pathogen
表邪入里 表邪入裏(ひょうじゃにゅうり) inward penetration of exterior pathogen,exterior pathogen entering the interior
表虚 表虚(ひょうきょ) exterior deficiency,exterior asthenia
表虚里实 表虚里実(ひょうきょりじつ) exterior deficiency and interior excess,exterior asthenia with interior sthenia
表虚里实证 表虚里実証(ひょうきょりじつしょう) syndrome/pattern of exterior deficiency and interior excess,syndrome/pattern of exterior asthenia with interior sthenia
表虚证 表虚証(ひょうきょしょう) exterior deficiency syndrome/pattern,exterior asthenia syndrome/pattern
表疹发疱 表疹発疱(ひょうしんはっぽう) promoting eruption and vesiculation
表证 表証(ひょうしょう) exterior syndrome/pattern
鳖甲煎丸 鱉甲煎丸(べっこうせんがん) Turtle-Shell Bolus,Bolus of Prepared Carapace Trionycis
别异比类 類推法(るいすいほう) analogy
别煮 別煮(べつせん) separately decocted,separate decoction
濒湖脉学 頻湖脈学(ひんこみゃくがく) Bin Hu’s Pulsology
并病 併病(へいびょう) overlap of diseases
并月 併月(へいげつ) bimonthly menstruation
病发于阳 病発于陽(びょうはつうよう) disease arising from yang,disease originating from yang
病发于阴 病発于陰(びょうはつういん) disease arising from yin,disease originating from yin
病后多眠 病後多眠(びょうごたみん) sleepiness during convalescence
病候 病状(びょうじょう)および症状(しょうじょう) symptoms and signs,manifestations of disease
病缓起 病緩起(びょうかんき) gradual onset of disease
病机 病機(びょうき) mechanism of disease,pathogenesis
病机十九条 病機十九条(びょうきじゅうくじょう) nineteen items of pathogenesis
病机学说 病機学説(びょうきがくせつ) theory of mechanism of disease,theory of pathogenesis
病脉 病脈(びょうみゃく) abnormal pulse,morbid pulse
病入膏肓 病入膏肓(びょうにゅうこうこう) critical disease
病色 病色(びょうしょく) morbid complexion
病色相克 病色交錯(びょういろこうさく) restraint between disease and complexion
病势 病勢(びょうせい) tendency of disease,development of disease
病位 病位(びょうい) location of disease
病性 病症(びょうしょう) nature of disease
病因 病因(びょういん) disease cause,cause of disease
病因辨证 病因弁証(びょういんべんしょう) disease cause syndrome differentiation,disease cause pattern identification
病因学说 病因学(びょういんがく) disease cause theory,etiology,theory of causes of disease
病骤起 病骤起(びょうしゅうき) sudden onset of disease
病状 病状(びょうじょう) condition of disease
拨法 撥法(はつほう) kneading method
剥苔 剥苔(はくたい) peeling coating
帛片包缚 絹貼付剤(きぬちょうふざい) binding with broad bandage
薄白苔 薄白苔(はくはくたい) thin and whitish fur
薄黄苔 薄黄苔(はくおうたい) thin and yellowish fur
薄厥 薄厥(はくけつ) emotional syncope,flopping syncope
薄苔 薄苔(はくたい) thin coating,thin fur
薄贴 薄貼(はくちょう) plaster
补法 補法(ほほう) tonifying method,tonification
补肺 補肺(ほはい) tonifying the lung
补肺阿胶汤 補肺阿膠湯(ほはいあきょうとう) Colla Corii Asini Decoction for Tonifying the Lung,Donkey Hide Gelatin Lung-Tonifying Decoction
补肺固卫 補肺固衛(ほはいこえい) tonifying the lung to consolidate defensive qi
补肺益气 補肺益気(ほはいえっき) tonifying the lung and replenishing qi,tonifying the lung to replenish qi
补肺止咳 補肺止咳(ほはいしがい) tonifying the lung and relieving cough
补肝肾 補肝腎(ほかんじん) tonifying the liver and kidney
补肝阴 補肝虚(ほかんきょ) tonifying the liver yin
补火助阳 補火助陽(ほかじょよう) tonifying fire and assisting yang;tonifying fire to assist yang
补剂 補剤(ほざい) tonic formula,warm-tonifying formula;tonic
补母泻子法 補母瀉子法(ほぼしゃこほう) mother-tonifying and child-reducing method,mother-supplementing and child-draining method
补脑肾 補脳腎(ほのうじん) tonifying the brain and kidney
补脾摄血 補脾摂血(ほひせっけつ) tonifying the spleen to contain blood
补脾胃 補脾胃(ほひい) tonifying the spleen and stomach
补脾益肺 補脾益肺(ほひえきはい) tonifying the spleen to benefit the lung
补脾益气 補脾益気(ほひえきき) tonifying the spleen to replenish qi
补气 補気(ほき) tonifying qi
补气安神 補気安神(ほきあんしん) invigorating qi and tranquilizing the mind
补气固表 補気固表(ほきこひょう) invigorating qi and strengthening the exterior
补气健脾 補気健脾(ほきけんぴ) tonifying qi and invigorating the spleen;tonifying qi to invigorate the spleen
补气摄血 補気摂血(ほきせっけつ) tonifying qi and controlling blood;tonifying qi to control blood
补气生血 補気生血(ほきせいけつ) tonifying qi and generating blood;tonifying qi to engender blood
补气药 補気薬(ほきやく) qi tonic,qi-tonifying medicinal
补肾安神 補腎安神(ほじんあんしん) tonifying the kidney to relieve mental strain
补肾固精 補腎固精(ほじんこせい) tonifying the kidney to arrest spontaneous emission
补肾健骨 補腎健骨(ほじんけんこつ) tonifying the kidney to strengthen the bone
补肾阳药 補腎陽薬(ほじんようやく) kidney-yang tonic,kidney yang-tonifying medicinal
补肾止血 補腎止血(ほじんしけつ) tonifying the kidney and arresting hemorrhage
补肾助阳 補腎助陽(ほじんじょよう) tonifying the kidney to support yang
补肾滋阴 補腎滋陰(ほじんじいん) tonifying the kidney to replenish yin
补土派 補土派(ほとは) school of strengthening earth,earth-strengthening school,spleen-enhancing school
补泻 補瀉(ほしゃ) reinforcing-reducing method
补虚固表 補虚固表(ほきょこひょう) relieving deficiency syndrome and strengthening exterior
补虚固涩 補虚固渋(ほきょこじゅう) curing deficiency and arresting discharge;curing deficiency to arrest discharge
补虚平喘 補虚平喘(ほきょへいぜん) relieving deficiency to calm panting
补虚药 補虚薬(ほきょやく) tonic,tonifying medicinal
补血 補血(ほけつ) tonifying blood
补血安胎 補血安胎(ほけつあんたい) tonifying blood to prevent miscarriage
补血养肝 増血養肝(ぞうけつようかん) tonifying blood and nourishing the liver;tonifying blood to nourish the liver
补血养心 増血養心(ぞうけつようしん) tonifying blood and nourishing the heart,tonifying blood to nourish the heart
补血药 補血薬(ほけつやく) blood tonic,blood-tonifying medicinal
补血止血 補血止血(ほけつしけつ) tonifying blood and arresting bleeding
补阳 補陽(ほよう) tonifying yang
补阳还五汤 補陽還五湯(ほようかんごとう) Yang-Strengthening Recuperation Decoction
补阳药 補陽薬(ほようやく) yang tonic,yang tonifying medicinal
补养剂 補養剤(ほようざい) tonifying formula
补养气血 補養気血(ほようきけつ) tonifying and nourishing qi and blood
补养心气 補養心気(ほようしんき) tonifying qi and nourishing the heart
补养药 補養薬(ほようやく) tonic,tonifying medicinal
补益法 補益法(ほえきほう) tonifying therapy
补益肺气 補益肺気(ほえきはいき) invigorating lung qi
补益肝肾 補益肝腎(ほえきかんじん) tonifying the liver and kidney
补益剂 補益剤(ほえきざい) tonifying formula,tonifying and replenishing formula;tonic
补益心脾 補益心脾(ほえきしんひ) tonifying and replenishing the heart and spleen
补益药 補益薬(ほえきやく) tonic,tonifying medicinal,tonifying and replenishing medicinal
补阴 補陰(ほかげ) tonifying yin
补阴药 補陰薬(ほかげやく) yin tonic,yin-tonifying medicinal
补元气 補元気(ほげんき) invigorating primordial qi
补中 補中(ほちゅう) strengthening the middle energizer,strengthening the spleen and stomach
补中益气 補中益気(ほちゅうえっき) tonifying the middle and replenishing qi
补中益气汤 補中益氣湯(ほちゅうえっきとう) Decoction for Strengthening Middle Energizer and Replenishing Qi
哺露 哺露(ほろ) infantile cyclic vomiting
哺露疳 哺露疳(ほろかん) severe infantile malnutrition due to dyspepsia
哺乳疳 哺乳疳(ほにゅうかん) lactational malnutrition
不辨香臭 嗅覚障害(きゅうかくしょうがい) anosmia
不传 不伝(ふでん) non-transmission
不得前后 排尿排便障害(はいにょうはいべんしょうがい) dysuria and constipation,incontinence of urination and defecation
不得偃卧 偃臥を得ざる(えんがをえざる) inability to lie flat,prostrate inability
不服水土肿 水土に服せず腫す(すいどにふくせずはなす) edema due to unacclimatization
不更衣 便秘(べんぴ) constipation
不换金正气散 不換金正気散(ふかんきんしょうきさん) Priceless Health-Restoring Powder
不拘时服 時に拘ることなしに服す(ときにかかわることなしにふくす)taken at any time
不寐 不寐(ふび) insomnia
不乳 不乳(ふにゅう) inability to suck milk,milk-sucking inability
不时泪溢 流涙症(りゅうるいしょう) epiphora
不食 不食(ふしょく) anorexia
不省人事 人事不省(じんじふせい) unconsciousness
不欲食 食欲不振(しょくよくふしん) anorexia
不孕 不孕(ふよう) sterility/ infertility
不治之症 不治の病(ふじのやまい) incurable disease,fatal disease
布托牵引 布で引っ張る治療法(ぬのでひっぱるちりょうほう) cloth-wrapping traction
布指 布指(ふし) finger positioning