Editorial Board of Economic Evaluation of Hypertension Management in Primary Care Settings in China
1 概述
1.1 背景
1.2 研究目的
1.3 国家基本公共卫生服务项目介绍
1.4 概念框架、方法和数据来源
1.5 本书结构
2 高血压及其影响、健康结果及经济学评价
2.1 引言
2.2 高血压与健康影响
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2.3 国家基本公共卫生服务项目在高血压患者管理和血压控制中的作用
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2.4 如何量化高血压患者的心血管疾病发病风险
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2.5 基于高血压控制评估健康结果
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2.6 卫生健康项目的经济学评价
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2.7 小结
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3 国家基本公共卫生服务项目对高血压控制的影响
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3.1 概述
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3.2 高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率和控制率的文献研究(1990年至今)
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3.3 年龄别高血压四率分析
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3.4 高血压控制率的时间序列分析
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3.5 国家基本公共卫生服务项目高血压控制效果的相关研究结果
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3.6 讨论
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3.7 局限性分析
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3.8 小结
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4 基于马尔可夫模型估计国家基本公共卫生服务项目的健康产出
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4.1 项目介绍
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4.2 高血压患者心血管疾病风险分析
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4.3 方法:马尔可夫模型研究
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4.4 长期健康结果估计
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4.5 小结
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5 国家基本公共卫生服务项目高血压管理的成本、效益和投资回报——基于创新性方法的研究
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5.1 介绍
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5.2 概念框架
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5.3 干预成本、效益和投资回报
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5.4 讨论
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5.5 小结
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6 全书讨论和结论
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6.1 整体概述
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6.2 理论和实践价值
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6.3 研究先进性与局限性分析
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6.4 结论和政策建议
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6.5 下一步研究建议
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附录 关键内容分析过程与相关数据
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附录A 第三章主要过程性数据
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附录B 第四章主要过程性数据
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附录C 第五章主要过程性数据
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附录D 性别年龄别高血压控制状况和投入产出与成本效益再分析
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1 Recapitulate
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1.1 Background
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1.2 Aims of the research
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1.3 Introduction to the NBPHS
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1.4 Conceptual framework methodologies and data sources
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1.5 Structure of the book
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2 Hypertension and its consequences health outcome quantification and economic evaluations
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2.1 Introduction
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2.2 Hypertension and its consequences
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2.3 The role of the NBPHS in the management and control of hypertension
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2.4 How to quantify the risk of CVDs for hypertension
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2.5 Estimating health outcomes from hypertension control
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2.6 Economic evaluation of health programs
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2.7 Brief summary
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3 Role of the NBPHS on hypertension control
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3.1 Introduction
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3.2 Literature review on hypertension PATC from 1990 to the present
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3.3 Age-specific analysis of PATC
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3.4 Time series analysis of hypertension control
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3.5 Evidence from other sources on the role of the NBPHS
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3.6 Discussion
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3.7 Limitations
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3.8 Brief summary
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4 Health outcome estimation of the NBPHS: A Markov model
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4.1 Introduction
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4.2 Analysis of CVD risks among hypertensives
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4.3 Method: A Markov model
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4.4 Long-term health outcome estimations
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4.5 Brief summary
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5 Benefit cost and return on investment of the NBPHS on hypertension control: An innovative framework
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5.1 Introduction
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5.2 Conceptual framework
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5.3 Results of intervention costs benefits and return on investment
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5.4 Discussion
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5.5 Brief summary
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6 Discussion and conclusion of the book
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6.1 General description
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6.2 Contribution to knowledge and policy implications
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6.3 Strengths and limitations
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6.4 Conclusions and policy recommendations
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6.5 How further progress can be made
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Appendix A Supplementary material for Chapter 3
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Appendix B Supplementarymaterial for Chapter 4
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Appendix C Supplementary material for Chapter 5
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Appendix D Age-specific analysis on hypertension control and re-analysis of return on investment and benefit-cost ratio
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更新时间:2025-03-18 21:24:18